As the cooling fall weather comes back to North Texas, the beautiful fall colors will soon come with it. Let’s enjoy nature’s beauty and abundance by expressing our gratitude through our continual giving to those in need. Giving really is contagious, as it is an energetic exchange.  The seen expressions and unseen energy of giving spreads and touches all hearts magnetizing more giving.  It seems almost every time we hand some food and/or drink to someone from the car window, the person behind us does the same.  Let’s continue to join together, and help those with food insecurity, giving non-perishables (no meat please), items that you would eat yourself, as well as items below needed for the houseless souls doing their best to get back on their feet.  Also feel inspired to give other things that no longer are serving you that could help someone else, like older WORKING phones and chargers, nearly new ADULT clothes (no children’s clothing), toiletries, fall and winter coats, nearly new shoes you are no longer needing, etc.

  • Sanitizing Wipes (must contain 60% alcohol)
  • Antibacterial Hand Soap (individual container or refill bottle)
  • Frozen breakfast foods
  • New, queen size air mattresses
  • Hairbrushes
  • Individual baby oil (keeps skin hydrated)
  • Reading glasses (all strengths)
  • New men’s belts
  • New, L-4XL underwear for men and women
  • Jeans (Men & Women’s new/gently used)
  • Shoes (for men and women), preferably tennis shoes and shower shoes
  • New, large bras
  • Unisex pull up Depends
  • Blankets
  • Poligrip

Thank you for all your help!  Will let you know what time we will be by on Monday via text by Sunday evening at the latest.  If you have not heard from us, please do call, as we may have missed you. THX

Love and blessings,

Eric and Shakti Biskamp (214-235-8324 and 214-394-0583