When folks visit our Ananda centers and meditation groups, they are often surprised to see Jesus among the pictures of our lineage of yogi masters. The response typically varies from a sense of comfort through familiarity to the uncomfortable and suspicious: “What’s Jesus have to do with yoga?” The latter is a good question and as we enter into the Holy week of Easter, a particularly relevant one to address. What most people may think of as “yoga” is just a narrow slice of what yoga truly encompasses. Far beyond the simple postures and breathing practices associated with yoga, is a mystical tradition that actually is a pathway to the realization of our oneness with God. As Jesus stated, “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 21:17)
What we share at Ananda is this essential teaching of Christ with an emphasis on inner communion through meditation, prayer, and devotion. Jesus is part of our yogic lineage because it is said he appeared to the great yoga master also of our lineage, Mahavatar Babaji, asking him to send someone to the West to spread the teachings of inner communion. Jesus told Babaji that his followers needed to learn how to receive him through deep meditation,“As many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become children of God.” (John 1:12).
Yogananda’s specific mission was to bring meditation to the West through the practices of Kriya Yoga. We don’t teach religion at Ananda, we share with those who come, a way they can discover the living water of Christ Consciousness within themselves. This Easter, we offer a special opportunity for spiritual seekers of any faith tradition to come together in an immersive retreat focused on Christ and the resurrection of each and every soul through inner communion with the Divine. We hope you will join us for this inner celebration of this most sacred and powerful holiday.
Together in the Christ,
Ananda in Texas