There are many ways to describe the spiritual path—a long and winding road, a spiral moving ever upward, a river flowing toward the ocean of spirit, an arduous climb over mountains and valleys, but have you ever thought about it as a “roundabout’? You know, those tricky road innovations that are supposed to help the flow of traffic and reduce the amount of traffic lights? It follows like this: the GPS is guiding you, you are heading in the right direction and suddenly this roundabout appears; confusion and panic ensues.
Think about it,the spiritual path can be like that too. Guru/God is the GPS. You feel confidently attuned to the guidance. You are going along doing your yoga practices, life is pretty good and you seem to be heading in the right direction, you’ve got a pretty good map in your head about your “destination” and then suddenly you are confronted by a whirlpool of conspiring circumstances, compounded by the energy of other “vehicles” trying to listen to their own “inner compass” as the GPS calmly responds “take the 2nd exit on your right.” Meanwhile the mind is trying to figure out, “Was that one or two I just counted? Sometimes you get stuck in them for more than one pass and just as often you miss the turn.
When we choose to live more consciously from a place of Spirit, with attunement and good intention, we can still find ourselves caught in whirlpools of inner traffic and confusion in spite of our Guru GPS!
Faith, patience and practice is the formula that brings us into the necessary calmness to understand our next steps. It enables us to effectively respond and then move forward on this roundabout path to God.
Together moving forward in Light and Love,
Ananda in Texas