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Through the use of sound instruments, combining gongs, crystal bowls, crystal pyramids, crystal chimes and tuning forks, plus using your own unique voice chanting sacred seed sounds we will tune up and in to our chakras optimizing our frequency bodies.

Join us for this unique sound experience where we will open the portals, penetrating and tuning your energy bodies vibratory field while connecting you to your higher self through the use of divine light and sound codes.

Investment Fundraiser $55 (50% Goes to Ananda/ 50% Of Proceeds Go To Benefit:Causability Creator Grants)

About Liz:

As a multimedia artist, Liz explores the realms and depths of her personal transformation through her use of sound instruments and mantras while creating art in many forms. She holds several certifications in the sound healing modalities including Sound Facilitator from the Sound of Yoga Institute, Sound Alchemist Bio Acoustician, and Sonic Anatomy Guide in the Human Biofield. Find out more about Liz at https://portaltothedivine.com/ and her art work at https://lizlondon.com/