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Ananda in Texas is in transition. A MUCH WELCOMED transition as we now have a new home as of Sept 1! Still it is going to take us some time to be fully moved in and to get our new Ananda Sangha House (as we are calling it) and surroundings spiffed up for an official “opening.”
Also, with Asha Nayaswami’s visit in October, our in-person and online Sunday Service Satsang schedule and locations will still be fluctuating. Please note the schedule below.

October Sunday Service Satsang Schedule

  • Oct. 2 IN-PERSON ONLY informal gathering/meditation at ANANDA SANGHA HOUSE 320 East Phillips St, Richardson TX 75081
  • Oct 9th ONLINE ONLY with Brahmachari Lakshmi from Ananda Palo Alto
  • Oct 16th IN-PERSON AND ONLINE IN AUSTIN with Asha Nayaswami
  • Oct.23 IN PERSON AND ONLINE with Asha Nayaswami AT SPRINGHILL RETREAT CENTER in Richardson
  • Oct 30th IN-PERSON AND ONLINE Sunday Service Satsang at ANANDA SANGHA HOUSE 320 East Phillips St, Richardson TX 75081

Sunday Satsang at Ananda is inspired by the meditation tradition of the East and the ancient teachings of mystical Christianity, with inspirational readings from both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. Service includes music, group chanting and meditation.

Our in-person Sunday Satsang usually includes Sunday service with purification, chanting, affirmations, readings and a longer meditation.

Afterwards, we will have snacks or go out to eat lunch together.


While it appears that we have ample parking all around us, we are wanting to be sensitive to our neighbors who own the adjacent parking lot. We are still working on an acceptable agreement with them. Therefore we ask that you park

  • first in our driveway (only on the right side)
  • secondly on the north side of the street (but not in the grass area)
  • lastly in the three spots in front of the dumpster or the closest parking spaces to us in the parking lot next to our house.

Thank you so much for your consideration of this!