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Class time: 10:00am -4:00pm
Investment: $60 (single class)

Patanjali’s 8-fold path is the foundation of all yoga. In this workshop we will go over the 8 aspects of this path which outline the practices and steps that ultimately bring the aspiring yogi into higher consciousness.

The Yamas and Niyamas are one of those steps. Swami Kriyananda, founder of Ananda Worldwide and author of the Art and Science of Raja, states in his book that in order to make true spiritual progress one must adhere to Yamas and Niyamas. These are the right attitudes and actions that the aspiring Yogi strives to embody in everyday living.

This interactive class series is Ananda’s most comprehensive study of yoga principles, intended for anyone who wants to understand Yoga—and life—more deeply. It is also the second step required for initiation into the Path of Kriya yoga as brought by Paramhansa Yogananda.

The course is based on the book, The Art and Science of Raja Yoga by Swami Kriyananda, based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda.

Each class starts experientially with Yogananda’s Energization exercises followed with a short yoga postures session suitable for all experience levels, leading into pranayama & meditation. After a short break, we will explore the philosophy behind it all. Taught by a variety of teachers each with 20 years experience or more in practicing and presenting these teachings.

SAT, Sept 7: Energy and Magnetism

SAT, Sept 14: Anatomy of Yoga: the Chakras

SAT, Sept 21: Affirmations & Paths of Yoga

SAT, Oct 5: Patanjali & Yama/Niyamas

SAT, Oct 12: History of Yoga & Yogic Lifestyle

The class number and class name in the registration table doesn’t match the schedule. Please ignore that in the registration table. What is in the schedule on this page is correct.

Questions? email [email protected]

(please note: class has a minimum registration requirement of four participants)

Please note:
1) Registration is required 24 hours prior to class time unless stated otherwise.

2) All workshops and classes are non-refundable. Credit for future classes can be applied to account if at least a 24 hr notice is received. Thank you.

Parking Info:

While it appears that we have ample parking all around us, we are wanting to be sensitive to our neighbors who own the adjacent parking lot.  Therefore we ask that you do not park in the church lot. Please park in the following areas in the order below:

  • Park in our driveway. Right or left sides are both fine, just not behind the garages and not in the first spaces closest to the building.
  • Park PARALLEL on the street across from us but NOT into the grass on the grass. (inside tires can be on the grass about 12 inches, the rest on the street)
  • Park in the lot on the far side of the grassy area across the street. (Behind the grassy area near the brick wall)

Please do not park in the church lot right next to us.
Thank you so much for your consideration of this!