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Sunday Satsang at Ananda is inspired by the meditation tradition of the East and the ancient teachings of mystical Christianity, with inspirational readings from both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. Service includes music, group chanting and meditation.

Michael Gornik co-founded and currently co-directs Polestar Gardens along with his wife, Ann. Michael and Ann bring with them over 36 years of experience in intentional community, sustainable living, education, raja yoga, meditation, music and more.

A devoted student of Paramhansa Yogananda for almost 40 years, Michael lived at Ananda Village for over 20 years serving in various capacities including community manager, minister and teacher among many other things. He also founded the Ananda Builders Guild. In 2000 he and his wife, Ann decided to start a community of their own based on the teaching of Yogananda. For many years that community thrived on the Big Island of Hawaii. Just before the pandemic, they chose to move their community back to the mainland due to the 2018 Kilauea volcano which threatened their community and forced evacuation. In 2021 they purchased land in Fort Collins, CO and are in the beginning stages of developing Polestar’s new home.

Michael has a rich history as a leader, successful businessman, community planner, builder, educator, athletic coach and musician. He has worked directly throughout the years with public, private and charter schools in creating workshops, apprenticeships and mentoring programs. Through this and along with many inspirational events, service projects, wilderness trips, sports and performance art programs, he has provided students of all ages with opportunities for life-long educational expansion and personal growth.

10:00 Chanting & Opening Prayer
10:15  Short Meditation
10:20 Affirmation from Affirmations for Self-Healing
10:25 Bible & Bhagavad Gita readings and commentary from Rays of the One Light
10:30 Long meditation
11:25 Healing Prayers
11:30 Michael Gornik Joins Us!