This process takes about a year, and can be done in a few different ways— either in-person, online, or through home book-study. If you are near one of our Ananda centers, we encourage you to learn the techniques in-person. If you are not near an Ananda center, they can be learned very effectively through Ananda’s online classes. We also offer a home book-study program for those who prefer that method of learning.
Regardless of whether you choose to learn in-person, online, or through home book study, you will receive personal spiritual support, resources, and ample opportunity to ask questions of our experienced meditation teachers. After learning Kriya Yoga, Ananda continues to offer ongoing support and guidance in your spiritual practices.
For more information and to start your journey on the path of kriya yoga, contact [email protected].
Level One: The Path of Kriya Yoga Those interested in gaining a greater understanding of Kriya Yoga are encouraged to first take the three week class series The Path of Kriya Yoga. In this class, you will come to understand the lifestyle of a Kriya Yogi and what it entails to become initiated in the Kriya yoga technique. You will also learn the Hong Sau meditation technique. and the Energization Exercises—two out of the four prerequisite techniques for Kriya Initiation.
Next Path of Kriya Yoga series: Sundays Jan 26, Feb 2, 9
Level Two (The Art and Science of Raja Yoga), is a five week course offered to beginner and advanced students. Prerequisite: level one or permission.
This comprehensive course draws its inspiration from Swami Kriyananda’s excellent book, the Art and Science of Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga is an in-depth study into all aspects of yoga philosophy and practical application: developing positive magnetism, affirmation, the chakras (spinal centers), diet, and healing techniques. Gentle hatha yoga postures, more advanced pranayama techniques, affirmations, and visualizations are also included in these classes to assist in preparation for more effective mediation experiences, In addition students will learn Yogananda’s Energization Exercises, which help them to become more aware of subtle energy so that they can direct that energy with will power to deepen their meditations and empower their lives. These exercises have been examined by doctors and health practitioners and have been given the highest endorsement. Each student will receive not only an in-depth understanding of the complete science of yoga but also a complete “toolbox” to take into their lives and their particular spiritual inclinations. Learn more about our Raja Yoga series.
Next Raja Yoga class series: March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8
Level Three: Attunement to the Masters: (Discipleship Explored and AUM: the Sacred Sound of Creation) The Guru Disciple relationship is explored through Discipleship Explored. At the end of the course for those who feel the calling to this ray of Self-realization offered through Ananda, discipleship is offered. The workshop AUM: the Sacred Sound of Creation is offered to deepen the yoga practitioner’s understanding of Aum and the mystical sounds emanating from the chakras. Aum technique is offered once discipleship is taken and a firm meditation practice is established. Learn more about AUM: the Sacred Sound of Creation.
Next Discipleship Explored series: TBD
Next AUM class series:TBD
Level Four (Kriya Preparation)
Kriya prep is the final class prerequisite before Kriya initiation. In this two week course, we will review and practice Hong Sau, Aum and Energization and learn several preparatory techniques for the Kriya. Contact our Spiritual Director, Supriya Chadwick for registration and more information on this final course. [email protected]
Next Kriya Preparation class series: TBA
Once these levels have been completed, qualified students are welcome to take part in our annual Ananda Dallas Kriya Initiation. Next Ananda Texas Kriya Initiation takes place this fall at our annual Kriyaban Retreat at the Ananda Sangha in Richardson,TX. Exact dates to TBA.
Kriya is only offered through initiation. Currently Kriya Yoga initiations are take place at Ananda Dallas once a year. In preparation for taking the initiation, one must complete the following requirements which are offered through class series throughout the year at the Ananda Dallas Center. On average, it typically takes one year to fulfill all these steps.
- 6 months or more of daily Hong Sau meditation practice
- Learn and practice of daily Energization Exercises
- Raja Yoga study and course completion
- Discipleship
- Learn and practice the Aum technique
- Learn the Kriya Prep exercises
The secret of inner peace is loving God, and striving to be worthy of His love for you. — Kriya, controlling the mind directly through the life force, is the easiest, most effective, and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite.
In contrast to the slow, uncertain “bullock cart” theological path to God, Kriya may justly be called the “airplane route.”
— Paramhansa Yogananda