- This event has passed.
Ananda in Texas is in transition. A MUCH WELCOMED transition as we now have a new home starting Sept 1! Still it is going to take us some time to get our new Sangha House (as we are calling it) and environs spiffed up for a true “opening.” So please note the following transition schedule for our Sunday Service Satsangs in September:
September Sunday Service Satsang Schedule
- Sept. 2rd IN-PERSON ONLY informal gathering/meditation at Ananda Sangha House, 320 East Phillips St, Richardson TX 75081
- Sept 11th ONLINE ONLY with Sagar Shenvi from Ananda Village
- Sept 18th IN-PERSON ONLY informal gathering/meditation at Ananda Sangha House 320 East Phillips St, Richardson TX 75081 (map below)
- Sept 25th at UNITY CHURCH on Forest Lane with special guest speaker, Nayaswami Pranaba (this will also be livestreamed) IN-PERSON AND ONLINE
PLEASE NOTE: We will have an IN-PERSON blessing and satsang later on Sunday, Sept 25th from 4:30-6:00pm at our new Ananda Sangha House. We hope you will join us for this special gathering!
320 East Phillips St, Richardson TX 75081
Please note: Even though it appears there is ample parking surrounding our sangha house, we ask that you park on the street first as our neighbors are sensitive about the use of their parking lot. Your consideration helps us be good neighbors!